At A Glance

Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Born Male - Non-binary
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Age: Appears Early-Mid 30s
Sexuality: Uhhh... Yes? (Cluelessly Dense Sapiosexual)
Sapio = attraction to intelligence regardless of race or gender.
Profession: Cartographer, Courier and Wandering Medic/SageKnown Aliases:
Atlas - his go-to name
Lexi/Lexicon - used on occasion in place of Atlas
Mint - given by Khaliun Olkund

Known Languages:
Eorzean - Fluent
Garlean - Fluent
Ishgardian - Fluent
Doman - Fluent
Hingan - Semi-Fluent
Xaelic - Semi-Fluent
Yanxian - Studying, Semi-Fluent
Aerslanti - Studying, non-conversational
Allagan - Studying, non-conversational
Ancient - Studying
Voice Claim: Aurelio Voltaire

A Closer Look

Although fairly tall for a Midlander, Atlas doesn't really stand out too greatly.. save for how he often wears a peculiarly bright color, almost always a celeste green/turquoise.High cheekbones, a sharp jaw, straight nose and keen ceruleum eyes are all framed by raven locks, often laced with blueish highlights. He appears to have not a single scar on his body.. not a one, which is odd for a traveller.
On the rare occasion, his eyes can be seen to glow faintly in dim lighting.

A man with a mysteriously shrouded and troubled past, he's now often found wandering the lands, a drifting traveller collecting new stories and information wherever he goes.Not even a true name is known for him, as he is oft found to be using whatever name comes to mind when asked what to be called by.
To some, he may look.. familiar. But his origins are difficult to place, his oddly unaccented voice doing no favors.
Maybe you could unravel the mysteries of this man?

A Curious Whisper

Sage: Yes, those are nouliths on his back. Yes, he's a Sage of sorts. Yes, he's decent at it. However he doesn't have a soulstone like some.
Cartographer: Atlas likes to travel. A lot. And so he often has books and papers with notes and drawings, updating maps and general knowledge of varying locales.Courier: Need something delivered to some ungodly far place on Etheirys? Atlas can take it, just tell him the when and where of it.Uncommon
Aetheric Trouble: Or, more pointedly, a glaring lack of aether. Any with aethersight could look at him and they would see only a shell.
Familiar?: Atlas just has that sort of face... one you could have sworn you saw somewhere before... Maybe over East? Maybe up North? What was his name back then...


Thanks for taking the time to look at my carrd.
Player is 21+ and from Australia (GMT+8) and so is online at odd hours.
Due to unfortunate laptop death, I play on console, so no Mare codes to be shared yet.All forms of RP are accepted, within reason of course.
IC does not equal OOC. Save your drama, I want no part in it.
Strictly NO underage romance.
No random insta-death or godmodding, injuries are accepted.
Yes I do accept consequences for actions.
"Adult" scenes are a possibility, but aren't done on a whim. It needs to make sense with the story. Plus, Atlas is dense as all hecc, it'll be difficult to get him to do things without being very blatant in telling him.
Discord isn't given out here, sorry. I like to sort of get to know people in the game before I add them in Discord.